You found 10060 newsreels for query "Flying of "Venera-3.""

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space environment №207 24.10.2018 2018

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:30, Published 7/18/2022 7:04:05 AM

Reel №1

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"BepiColombo" is flying to Mercury.

Senior Researcher of the Department of Nuclear Paleontology of the ICI RAS Alexander Kozyrev talks about the device of the MGNS (Mercurian gamma-neutron spectrometer).

Artificial Moon.

Modern plans of Chinese scientists and the Russian project of 1993 "Banner-2", says the project developer Nadezhda Tatarnikova.

One line:

- RKS and public transport;

- NPO Energomash, a mock-up of the RD-171M V engine for the Soyuz-5 launch vehicle;


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- Mars in Antarctica, the 64th Russian Antarctic Expedition starts;

- Sun dance.

Chronograph: 50 years of the flight of the Soyuz-3 spacecraft with cosmonaut Beregov.

Astrophoto of the week: the crescent of Venus over the hills of Romania, observers of the launch of the Falcon-9 on the ocean, a globular star cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Daily News / A Chronicle of the day №43-1967 1967

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:19, Black-white, Published 3/25/2014 10:52:43 AM


Muscovites buy newspapers at a kiosk Soyuzpechat. Employees of Research Institute for work in the laboratories. Filming of the planet Venus, made with automatic stations "Venera-4". Memorial at Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd. Inauguration of the complex. Speech by Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union AA Grechko


Muscovites buy newspapers at a kiosk Soyuzpechat. Employees of Research Institute for work in the laboratories. Filming of the planet Venus, made with automatic stations "Venera-4". Memorial at Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd. Inauguration of the complex. Speech by Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union AA Grechko

Reel №1

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1. "Automatic station" Venera-4 "on the planet Venus.

Muscovites buy newspapers at a kiosk Soyuzpechat.

Staff members Research Institute for work in the laboratories.

The shooting of the planet Venus, made with automatic stations "Venera-4".

[_] 2. Memorial at Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd.

Grand opening of the complex.

Speech by Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union AA Grechko.

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[_] 3.

Meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

[_] 4. Meeting of the General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev with a delegation of German workers from the GDR.

[_] 5. The talks in the Kremlin, President of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, AN Kosygin with the Minister of Foreign Trade of the Republic of Cuba Marcelo Fernandez font.

[_] 6. "Friendship Day hero cities of Moscow and Hanoi"

Meeting of Muscovites in the Central House of culture of railwaymen with a delegation from Hanoi.

[_] 7. Fighting in the U.S. Army in Laos: U.S. planes bombed Laos.


Race to the fire-breathing planet 1979

Movie, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:51, Published 3/29/2023 1:43:25 PM


Automatic station 'Venus' in the shop. The mass spectrometer, gas chromatograph, the device 'Thunderstorm' spectrometer. Ground testing lander. Model the surface of Venus. Starts automatic stations "Venera-11" and "Venera-12 '. A study of Venus and interplanetary space. Research vessel "Cosmonaut Yuri

Reel №1


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The planet Venus.

The surface of Venus.

Design bureau.

Station "Venus" (drawing).

Mass spectrometer and gas chromatograph.


Station assembly.


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Control center.

The flight of the station to Venus (animation).

The lander separated from the orbital compartment (animation).

The lander rushes to the surface of Venus, the parachute opens (animation).

Soft landing (animation).

Director of the Space Research Institute R.Z.Sagdeev (synchronously).

The surface of Venus.

Cosmonautics. Venus, we'll be back! 2018

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:12, Published 10/31/2022 6:21:00 AM

Scene №1 Cosmonautics. Venus, we'll be back!

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Venus is the most mysterious planet in the Solar system.

It was our country that sent the first scientific missions to Venus, and work in this direction was carried out from 1961 to 1983. Today Venus is again in the spotlight of scientists.

Roscosmos and NASA are planning a new joint expedition called Venus-D.

The plot starred Igor Mitrofanov, Denis Belyaev, Alexander Shirshakov, Viktor Vorontsov.

space environment №183 28.02.2018 2018

Telecast, 1 part, Duration: 0:06:00, Published 7/15/2022 6:39:02 AM

Reel №1


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- Juno probe, views of Jupiter;

- Asteroid flyby past Earth on March 6, 2018.

Chronograph: the first interplanetary route "Venus-3".

Astrophoto of the week: Venus in infrared light, the star AE Charioteer or "Flaming Star", Olympic Korea from the ISS.

Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) and suburbs 1975

Footage, 21 footages, Duration: 1:38:06, Published 8/16/2022 2:43:56 PM

Scene №14

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People climb the stairs, enter the palace.

Venus Pavilion.

Panorama of the ceiling, walls.

The bureau is made of Karelian birch.

Birch pavilion.

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Venus Pavilion.

Tapestry in the upper throne room of Paul I.

Bas-relief on the ceiling.

Venus Pavilion.

Fragments of the decor.

Porcelain tableware.

Carved table.


Cosmonautics. Flying Islands on Neptune 2018

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:06:15, Published 11/2/2022 6:19:26 AM

Scene №1 Cosmonautics. Flying Islands on Neptune

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Venus Sturm 1969

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:10, Published 6/16/2016 2:12:53 PM

Reel №1


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Alternation: experts at the controls, space rocket at launch.

Mission Control Center.

Take-off missiles.

Animation: automatic station "Venus-6" in space.

The sun through the lens.

Animation: the station is removed.

Moon and stars over the roofs of houses.

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Animation: a planet in orbit, a comparison of Venus with the Earth, the approach of Venus.

Sliding roof observatory telescope turn.

Scientist looking through a telescope.

Animation: the alleged picture of life on Venus.

Space Communications Equipment.

Animation: the passage of signals between planets.


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Scientists have processed the data.

Animation: first flights of automatic stations "Venera" series.


Animation: Flight station "Venera-4", the lander sits on the planet.

The scientist behind the board.

Data transfer.

Pages of newspapers.


Vyatka-automatic 1990

Promotional, 1 part, Duration: 0:01:09, Published 3/21/2020 8:27:13 PM

Reel №1

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Night, a city street, there is a man in the image of Charlie Chaplin.

A flying saucer appears in the sky.

The plate hovers over a multi-storey residential building.

Chaplin looks at the sky, at the plate, steps on the hatch, falls into the ground.

Large - a match is lit.

Chaplin looks around.

A washing machine "Vyatka-automatic" appears in the frame.


Ключевые слова

flying saucer

Cosmonautics. Venus beckons 2016

Footage, 1 footage, Duration: 0:08:13, Published 10/19/2022 6:37:01 AM

Scene №1 Cosmonautics. Venus beckons

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Venus has always interested Earth scientists.

Two planets, two sisters, the same in many ways - the same density, the same size, composition, the same amount of energy received from the Sun, however, the planets are completely different.

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Earth is habitable, and Venus has truly hellish conditions.

In total, 27 probes were launched from Earth to her, 19 of which were manufactured by the Lavochkin NGO, and each such mission brought more questions than answers.

And now, after a long break, Venus is back in the center of scientific attention.

Russia plans to resume exploration of the planet using the Venus-D spacecraft with a lander.

The future mission to the Morning Star requires new design solutions.

According to the plan of the creators of Venus-D, natural phenomena will be studied at three levels - from orbit, in the atmosphere and on the surface of the planet.

Interviews: Lev Zeleny, Viktor Vorontsov, Lyudmila Zasova, Leonid Ksanfomaliti.


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