You found 4039 newsreels for query "Counter-offensive at Stalingrad (Operation "Uranus")"

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Scene №1 Вторая мировая война и создание государства Израиль

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Места съемки:


Allies 1986

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:41, Published 4/6/2023 1:41:19 PM

Movie №1

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First-person story 1981

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:06, Published 7/12/2018 1:26:41 PM


The film is about the revival of Stalingrad from the ruins and the modern appearance of Volgograd, accompanied by the story of a veteran of the great Patriotic war Alexey Nikiforovich Zadachina.

Reel №1

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Fragments of the panorama "Battle of Stalingrad".

Artists create fragments of the future panorama, the faces of artists.

Newsreel of 1942: Soviet artillery fires at the enemy during a counteroffensive near Stalingrad, the battery commander gives the command to open fire.

Aircraft in the sky, anti-aircraft gunners are firing, a downed plane is falling.

The face of one of the artists.

A fragment of the panorama.

The face of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad, Alexey Zadachin.


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People on the streets of Volgograd.

View of the city block and the bridge over the Volga (from above).

Newsreel of January 1943: view of the ruins of Stalingrad after the end of the fighting.

Destroyed houses in Stalingrad.

Temporary dugouts among the ruins.

Women come out of the dugout on the bank of the Volga in the summer, the face of A. Zadachin.

Restoration of Stalingrad from the ruins, builders at work.

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Women's team of masons under the leadership of A. Cherkasova on the construction of a residential building.

The remains of residential and industrial buildings in Stalingrad.

A woman with a yoke on her shoulder walks among the ruins.

The woman goes up to the apartment that has survived among the remains of the house.

Builders-masons at work.

View of the city quarter of Volgograd.

The cameraman is shooting a meeting between A. Zadachin and A.M. Cherkasova.


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People relax on the bench.

View of the square of Fallen Fighters in Stalingrad (top).

A woman with a child on a bench.

View of one of the buildings of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant.

Assembly of tractors at the factory.

The front of the tractor with the factory brand.

The first tractor leaves the factory gates on June 17, 1930.

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View of the solemn meeting (above).

Street views of pre-war Stalingrad, people's faces.

Fragment of the newsreel "Lower Volga region" from June 21, 1941.

Military operations of the Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War.

Anti-aircraft gunners are firing at the fascist planes.

A burning building.

Carrying out the wounded on a stretcher.


Места съемки:

Volgograd [946] Stalingrad [947] USSR [863]

Reel №2


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The dispatcher is after the dodger.

Internal view of the control room, the scale of control devices.

View of the engine room of the power plant.

An employee monitors the operation of the hydroelectric power station.

Panorama of the hydroelectric power station.

The dry cargo ship "Dauria" under construction at the shipyard.

Welders at work.


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Newspaper pages.

Newsreel of 1943: the presentation of the passing Red Banner to the brigade of advanced builders who worked on the restoration of Stalingrad, alternates with shots of residents of modern Volgograd reading newspapers.

Girls wash at the fuselage of the downed German plane, go down the plane of the wing.

Awarding the boy with the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" on the school ruler.

The military commissar lifts the boy in his arms, congratulates him with the award.

The children applaud.

A postman girl is walking along a ruined street.


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The military get out of the car.

People on the street read the announcement of a football match.

Players of the Dynamo team (Stalingrad) on the field.

View of the rally in Stalingrad in honor of the final defeat of the Stalingrad group of German troops (above).

The face of A. Zadachin.

Readers ' letters to Volgogradskaya Pravda.

The cameraman is filming the teacher Kurgulina, telling about her life.

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Newsreel of 1943: Stalingrad schoolchildren go to the first lesson in March 1943.

Children climb the stairs of the destroyed school.

Children at their desks in a classroom without two walls, types of class.

Teacher P. N. Burova leads the lesson, the children are at their desks.

Women at the movie camera look at old photos in the album.

Места съемки:

Stalingrad [947] Volgograd [946]

Reel №3

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Letters from readers of "Volgogradskaya Pravda" on the table.

A. Chernetsova talks with the operator of the Lower Volga newsreel studio.

Newsreel of 1943-1944: Chernetsova at work at a telephone exchange in the village of Beketovka, alternates with modern filming of Chernetsova.

View of the wall of a destroyed building in Stalingrad.

Children sort through letters from the front.

View of a part of the destroyed city block.

An ad about finding relatives.

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The train is approaching the station.

People at the dilapidated train station.

Passengers get off the train.

Announcement of the football match Spartak (Moscow) - Dynamo (Stalingrad) May 2, 1943.

Girls with a gramophone on the grandstand of the stadium.

People go to the stadium.

Episodes of a football match, fans in the stands.

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People with bouquets of flowers.

View of the stadium in the village of Beketovka (top).

Participants of the rally during a minute of silence in memory of the fallen athletes of Stalingrad.

The face of Kolosov A.D., a former midfielder of the Dynamo team (Stalingrad).

Memorial plaque with the names of the victims.

The faces of the rally participants, a panorama of the stadium (above).

People on the streets of Volgograd.


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View of one of the squares.

Newsreel of 1943-1944: sappers remove mines and unexploded ordnance from the ruins of the city.

Unexploded ordnance recovered from the rubble and stacked in piles.

The explosion of a mine on the street of Stalingrad.

The eternal flame burns.

Honor guard of the Unarmatians at the eternal flame, the faces of the Unarmatians.

Roses by the eternal flame.


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Monument to the hero of the Battle of Stalingrad Mikhail Panikakha.

Fragment of the panorama "Battle of Stalingrad".

Zadachin examines the panorama.

Newsreel of 1941: Soviet and German troops are fighting street battles in Stalingrad.

The anti-tank gun crew takes a position in the window opening.

The building of a mill destroyed during the fighting and not restored.

View of the part of the city block with the mill building.


Liberated France 1944

Movie, 8 parts, Duration: 1:14:52, Published 5/26/2016 12:56:37 PM

Reel №6


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Hitler and Goering get off the train in Compiegne.

Hitler talks to the military after signing the surrender of France, awarding the soldiers of the 6th German Army for the French campaign.

The face of a German soldier, a panorama of a part of the burning quarter of Stalingrad during the fighting in the summer and autumn of 1942, a view of the Square of Fallen Fighters.

Soviet and German troops are fighting street battles in Stalingrad.

Soviet gunners are firing.

The face of a German soldier, hoisting the Nazi banner on the Eiffel Tower in 1940.

Soviet infantry attacks the enemy in Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-1943, artillery fires.

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Tanks and infantry attack across the steppe.

Armored aerial vehicles pass by, cavalry attacks.

The scheme of the encirclement of the German troops at Stalingrad (animation.

Soviet artillery is firing at the enemy.

Turning a swastika into a grave cross (animation).

Soldiers ' cemeteries the corpses of Germans killed in the battles near Stalingrad.

Hitler talks to the military in Compiegne.


Места съемки:

Paris France At Sea Stalingrad USSR

Reel №1

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Reel №7


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Factory equipment, prepared for shipment to Germany, men in the ranks.

Ads in the windows of shops on the absence of French food.

Diners German soldiers, guerrillas in the mountains watching the enemy.

German soldiers break out the house door, the guerrillas before the operation.

Sending parcels to Germany, the guerrillas face.

The Germans were driven herds of cows, horses are taken.

It drives a German convoy, a train goes with the equipment.

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Go wagons with coal.

Partisan squad go out on a combat operation.

Go train, the wheels of locomotives and wagons, men descend from the mountains to ski.

Guerrillas occupy a position to carry out sabotage, preparation of the explosive mechanism.

The driver in the cab of the locomotive, the train goes over the bridge.

Face partisan bombing of the railway bridge.

Guerrillas in the ranks, burning German military installations and warehouses, blow up bridges, fleeing from the fire by German soldiers, fire-fighting.


General Karbyshev 1975

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:14:14, Published 6/15/2014 11:31:24 PM

Reel №2

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Reel №1

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Return 1995

Movie, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:54, Published 8/28/2015 10:39:03 AM

Reel №2


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War veteran Fyodor Ilchenko recalls the Battle of Stalingrad (synchronously).

Newsreel 1942: fighting in Stalingrad.

Soviet troops attacked the railway station.

Street fighting in Stalingrad.

Signalers stretch telephone line.

The fighting at Stalingrad.

Panorama of the destroyed city block.

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Episode battle for the railway station.

Captured German trucks.

Ilchenko gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel 1942-1943 years: the battle at Stalingrad.

Soviet envoys prepared to negotiate.

Waving a white flag of truce.

Bugler blows the signal.


Места съемки:

Berlin Stalingrad USSR

Reel №5


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Portrait of Bismarck in the Einsiedel house.

Einsiedel is at his desk in his office.

Einsiedel and Popkov lay flowers at the monument to the defenders of Stalingrad.

Newsreel of 1942: panorama of burning Stalingrad.

Einsiedel smokes a cigarette.

Internal view of the memorial on Mamayev Kurgan.

Einsiedel at the eternal flame inside the memorial.

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Einsiedel's face.

Newsreel of 1942: the bombing of the quarters of Stalingrad.

Monuments on Mamayev Kurgan.

Einsiedel with flowers in her hands.

Einsiedel and Popkov at the airfield in Beketovka.

Einsiedel talks about how he was shot down (synchronously).

Popkov and Einsiedel at the plane.

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Popkov and Einsiedel during a meeting with cadets of the local flying club, Einsiedel answers questions.

Einsiedel and Popkov at the building of the former mill in Stalingrad.

Einsiedel in the train compartment talks about the idea of a universal holiday of reconciliation (synchronously).

View of the snow-covered railway track.

View from the car window.

Einsiedel's face.

Popkov's face.


Места съемки:

Stalingrad USSR

Reel №1

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Unconquered Stalingrad 1969

Movie, 3 parts, Duration: 0:24:21, Black-white, Published 3/5/2018 3:00:13 PM


The film tells about the battle of Stalingrad, the rebuilding of the city from the ruins and modern achievements of workers of Volgograd.

Reel №1


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German tanks enter the outskirts of the village in 1942.

German dive bombers.

Destruction of Stalingrad during an air RAID.

The fires in Stalingrad after the September bombing.

The man makes a cello from a broken home.

People make their way among the ruins.

Panorama of the forecourt with a sculptural group of dancing children.

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Map of the German attack on Stalingrad (animation).

Portrait of the commander of machine-gun platoon I. F. Afanasyev.

Newsreel 1942: the panorama of the burning of Stalingrad.

Boat Volga flotilla ferried troops across the Volga.

Alarm alarm with a rotating siren.

Anti-aircraft gun boats firing at enemy aircraft.

Shot down a German plane.


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The commander of the Stalingrad front Yeremenko, A. I., command and observation post.

Soviet artillery fire on the enemy.

Tanks and infantry go on the offensive, attack the railway junction.

Units of the southwestern and Stalingrad fronts during the connection in the area of Kalach on 23 November, 1942, the soldiers hugging each other.

Tank with infantry to armor is attacking.

The soldiers and commanders of the red army, hugging each other in the streets of Stalingrad.

Zacherley artillery gun barrel.


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German prisoners feet wrapped in rags.

Columns of German prisoners marching under guard through the winter steppes.

A tank with a red flag and red army units liberated the streets of Stalingrad.

Columns of Soviet troops on the March during the offensive operations of 1943-1944.

Machine gunner firing.

The girl's face-the orderly, tie up the wounded.

Soviet troops are fighting, helping the wounded.


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Types of destroyed neighborhoods of Stalingrad (above).

Destroyed buildings and rubble in the streets of Stalingrad, army tent, set on a cleared section of the street.

Pass trains with materials and equipment for restoration of Stalingrad.

Meeting in Stalingrad young builders-volunteers.

The arriving builders Komsomol.

The column arrived builders are on the streets of the city to the place of accommodation.

Girls are out of the fuselage of the German transport aircraft, converted into temporary housing.


Места съемки:

Stalingrad [947] Germany [84] Berlin [821] USSR [863]

Reel №2

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Veterans of the great Patriotic war Fedulov, A. F. and I. F. Afanasiev pass by the building of the Elevator, left as a monument to the fact that the Afanasyev story about his life and recovery from the ruins of Stalingrad.

The appearance of the wall broken shells.

Afanasiev is typing his memoirs on a typewriter "blind" method.

View of the lobby of the clinic, murals on the wall.

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Bid hospital corridor.

Professor Vodovozov optometrist examines eyes Afanasyev.

The operation in the clinic.

The evil eye Afanasyev removed the bandages, alternates newsreel footage of the fighting in Stalingrad.

Beating up the jet of a fountain.

The flowers in the flower bed.

Types of streets and new buildings of Volgograd, people on the streets.


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People on the streets.

Fence building-monument.

The layout of a ruined house.

Pictures of street fighting in Stalingrad.

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Student Z. Seleznev, saved in Stalingrad, exams in Volgograd Polytechnic Institute.

Selezneva meeting with veterans and commander of the 13th Guards division Colonel-General Rodimtsev.

Face Rodimtsev and Selezneva.

Veterans-participants of Stalingrad battle, during the ceremony of laying wreaths at the mass grave of the defenders of Stalingrad, the faces of veterans.

Eternal flame burns.

People at the memorial.

Yunarmeytsy on duty at the Eternal flame.


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People climb on Mamayev Kurgan.

View of the Hall of military glory with Eternal fire, people walk through the hall.

People read the names on the walls of the hall.

A granite plaque with the names of the fallen defenders of Stalingrad.

A woman lays a bouquet of flowers to the Eternal flame.

An elderly woman wipes her tears.

The faces of the people standing at the monument, fragments of memorial.


Reel №3


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Panorama of the city block (top).

Types of streets of Volgograd, people on the streets and city parks.

The faces of the children.

People on the streets of the city, the face of a veteran of the battle of Stalingrad I. F. Afanasyev.


Types of monument Motherland on Mamaev Kurgan (above).

Military oath 1981

Movie, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:57, Published 8/21/2015 12:40:31 PM

Reel №1


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The face of the artillery commander.

Soviet artillery is firing at the enemy during a counteroffensive near Moscow.

Panorama of burning Stalingrad in 1942.

Street fighting in Stalingrad.

The calculation of an anti-tank gun takes a position on the second floor of a destroyed house.

The Red Army soldiers are attacking the enemy through the ruins.

A tank with a red banner walks through the streets of Stalingrad in February 1943.


Места съемки:

Moscow [820] USSR [863] Russia [1] Leningrad [848] Stalingrad [947]

Reel №2


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The text of the organizational order of March 25, 1944 on the capture of Nikolaev.

Photo of the soldiers of the landing party in the ranks.

Portrait of the commander of the detachment, Senior Lieutenant Olshansky.

Map of combat operations of the landing in Nikolaev.

Seagulls fly over the water.

A commemorative buoy at the landing site.

One of the participants N.A. Grebenyuk of the landing tells about the course of the landing and the feat of the sailors-paratroopers (synchronously and behind the scenes).


World War II 1939-1945

Footage, 10 footages, Duration: 0:42:34, Published 3/14/2024 8:06:17 PM

Scene №10

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Scene №3

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Scene №2

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Battle for the Caucasus. The Unknown War №9 1979

Movie, 6 parts, Duration: 0:48:23, Published 11/14/2012 1:00:00 AM

Reel №3


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Stalin stands, applauding the participants.

Broken German technology in the area of


Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad.

Residents returned to Pyatigorsk liberated city.

Pianist playing in the street.

Soldiers talk with residents.


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